Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina – since 1984

GFOASC Seeking Five Board Positions

By on July 29, 2016 in Member Update

To GFOASC Members,

Are you interested in serving on the GFOASC Board of Directors?

This year, GFOASC is seeking nominations for five Board positions:  President-Elect, Secretary, State Representative, and two Board of Directors positions.  The responsibilities for these positions can be found on the GFOASC website in the by-laws and/or policies & procedures.

To qualify to hold a position with the organization, you must be an active regular member, you must be in good standing with GFOASC, and you must have willingness and the availability to serve.

As we’ve mentioned in the past, this is a fantastic opportunity for professional development, and you will gain a greater understanding of how the organization and events work.  Please complete the attached document, and submit it to [email protected] along with your biography and picture.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out to anyone on the Nominations Committee.  Nominations are due by August 8th, 2016.

The Nomination Committee members:

Larry Sapp – [email protected]

Lori Thomas – [email protected]

Nicole Mandazou – [email protected]

Breta Rheney – [email protected]



Breta Rheney, CPA – Immediate Past President & Nominating Committee Chair



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