Become a Member
Two Ways You can Join… by check or credit card.
To join by check, click here and complete the form. GFOASC will email you an invoice.
To join by credit card, click the below button.
Types of Membership
The GFOASC offers the following types of memberships:
Individual Membership
- Regular (Governmental) $125
- Retired (Governmental) $35
- Associate (Non-Governmental) $160
Individuals become active members upon payment of annual dues. Membership shall commence on the date membership fees are paid and end on the last day of December of the same year. Membership renewals shall end on the last day of December for the year renewed.
Agency/Political Subdivision Membership
Two tiers of Agency memberships exist for a state agency or local government. They are provided below. When an agency membership is being requested, the tier needs to be identified, along with the total number of memberships being purchased. A list of member names, and a completed membership application for each, needs to be submitted with the application.
- Tier 1 – 15 Memberships @ $1,700 with additional memberships at $100 each
- Tier 2 – 25 Memberships @ $2,600 with additional memberships at $75 each
Click Membership Application button to join!
(There will be a credit card convenience fee charge)