Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina – since 1984


Certification Program for Government Finance Officers

The Certification Program for Governmental Finance Officers is administered and offered for the Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina by USC’s Continuing Education and Conferences group.  Successful completion of all requirements of the program will result in designation as a Certified Government Finance Officer. For information on the Certification Program for Governmental Finance Officers download the PDFs below. For additional questions please contact the GFOASC.

The Katherine Zook Certification Scholarship is available to first time participants in the CGFO program. Application information is coming soon.

Program Guidelines

GFOA Certification Brochure 2024-2025

CGFO Application

Certification Process: Once you have completed the courses, USC provides the GFOASC Certification Committee a list of who has passed the exams.  A congratulatory email will be sent with directions on how to submit your application with certified transcripts. The Certification Committee will review the submissions and recommend certification. If certification is recommended, an email notification will be sent in early April and new CGFOs will be recognized at the next conference.

CPE Reporting
2023 CPE Reporting Forms are due February 28. Click here to download the 2023 form. Members who achieved CGFO status in 2023 will complete their first report in early 2025 for the 2024 year.

We recognize new CGFO’s at our Spring and Fall Conference

From left to right: Tamara Lindley, Micah Snead and Angie Dever

2023 CGFO

First Last Cert. # Cert. Yr.
James Absher, Jr. 154 2004
Cheryl Allen-Lint 93 1999
Stephanie Bacon 351 2023
Jordyn Baker 353 2023
Jessica Barlow 246 2013
Johnathan Barnes 345 2022
Mark Barnes 334 2021
Shealyn Barnes 279 2016
Ramona Barrett 130 2002
Allison Barrs 280 2016
Anne Bass 352 2023
Marla Bell 304 2019
Michael Bell 354 2023
Ashton Blocker 281 2016
Jessica Booth 245 2013
Stephen Brennan 339 2021
Allen Brown 319 2020
Ashley Buhrmaster 273 2016
Ramona Brown 324 2020
Lisa Brown 292 2017
Sandra Brown 335 2021
Kimberly Burgess 327 2021
Zachary Bush 355 2023
Jerri Butler 267 2015
Angela Campbell 326 2021
Melissa Campbell 82 1998
Chris Canaday 192 2007
Neil Carney 293 2017
Wayne Chamblee 36 1993
Debbie Cheek 222 2010
Denise Christmas 204 2009
Peggy Conkel 247 2013
Mark Cook 131 2002
Douglas Cooper 11 1990
Karen Crawford 156 2004
Tonya Crosby 193 2007
Theresa Daffin 274 2016
Cheryl Danas 248 2013
Jennifer Davis 321 2020
Teresa DeLoach 328 2021
Peggy Desmarais 323 2020
Angie Dever 300 2018
Sherman Dibble III 308 2019
Eisabeth Dicey 309 2019
Marc Dominick 181 2006
Stephanie Du Bois 346 2022
Joette Dukes 72 1997
Alan Eisenman 282 2016
Matt Evans, Jr. 65 1996
Evelyn Ferguson 291 2017
Kelli Finney 310 2019
Melanie Freeman-Gruber 305 2019
Tiffany Frye 195 2007
Summer Gagnon 283 2016
Ben Galloway 347 2022
Carrie Garrett 329 2021
Tommi Lin Garrick 73 1997
Angelica Gerald 242 2022
Milton German 47 1994
Mack Gile 183 2006
Brandi Gist 208 2009
Angela Graham 356 2023
Amy Graybill 336 2021
Angela Gunter 53 1994
Laurie Hagberg 330 2021
Alice Hahn 294 2017
Stacey Hamm 74 1997
Lisa Hancock 276 2016
Stacy Hanvey 311 2019
Jennifer Harmon 277 2016
Belinda Harper 250 2013
Pinky Harriott 337 2021
Anne Harty 46 1994
James Hayes 252 2013
Ryan Henkes 348 2022
Delores Hill 184 2006
Wendy Hughes 119 2001
Kendra Hunt 338 2021
Cristy Jablonski, CPA 210 2009
Patrick Jarvis 299 2018
Kristin Johnson 224 2010
Sarah Johnson 331 2021
Kristina Junker 211 2009
Thomas Kaminer 253 2013
James T. Kennedy II, CPA 85 1998
Mandy Kibler 120 2001
Denise Koon 254 2013
Steven Lake 121 2001
Ray Lambert Jr. 312 2019
Kara Law 301 2018
Tamara Lindley 302 2018
Nathaniel Lloyd, Jr. 286 2016
Dennis Locke 186 2006
David Lorick, Jr. 357 2023
Sally Lowery 197 2007
Scott Ludlam 122 2001
Robert Macdonald III 313 2019
Deborah Mack 49 1994
Natalie Majorkiewicz 332 2021
Jessica Mancine 358 2023
Nicole Mandazou 179 2006
Lisa Mangione 172 2005
Jill Manning 268 2015
Margot Martin 138 2002
Sabrina Mason 212 2009
Joyce McCarty 260 2014
Torina McGee Wood 307 2019
Angie McInchok 148 2003
Dale Allen Milburn 340 2021
Lori Mock 225 2010
Gloria Moore 189 2006
Hank Moore 255 2013
Margaret Morris 349 2022
Leslie Moser 231 2011
Beverly Mozie 198 2007
Kelly Newman 232 2011
Robert Nichols 341 2021
Cathy Nordeen 343 2022
Matthew Norman 214 2009
Deborah Nye 26 1992
Frances Owens 116 2000
Ginger Page 147 2003
Ruth Parris 161 2004
Madison Paul 344 2022
Shoponie Phalante-Barreau 325 2020
Heather Price 199 2007
Michael Price 295 2017
Towander Prior 233 2011
Pamela Proner 359 2023
Kevin Rawlinson 173 2005
Marty Rawls 264 2014
Mary Reames 256 2013
Tami Reed 164 2004
Amy Risher 287 2016
Anita Risher 117 2000
Carla Ritter 180 2006
Angela Roache 103 1999
Susan Roben 306 2019
Renee Rochester 15 1991
Kymberley Rooks 69 1996
Larry Sapp 227 2010
Cale Schweitz 360 2023
Sharon Setzer 243 2012
N’Katha Simmons 234 2011
Nika Simmons 314 2019
Latasha Simon 322 2020
LoElla Smalls 259 2014
Crystal Smith 191 2006
Donnita Smith 168 2005
Rodney Smith 235 2011
Tammy Smith 140 2002
Ivey Smoak IV 288 2016
Micah Snead 303 2018
Kelly Snider 228 2010
Carla Spires 289 2016
Robin Stack 165 2004
Kelly Stigamier 284 2016
Cathy Strasser 216 2009
Lynn Strom 296 2017
Lauren Sturre 229 2010
Donna Sullivan 55 1994
Sarah Sullivan 217 2009
Tammie Sullivan 333 2021
Deborah Taylor 361 2023
Emily Temple, CPA 265 2014
Lori Thomas 236 2011
Stephanie Thomas 271 2015
Ernesto Torres 50 1994
Alillian Trull 218 2009
Georgeann Van Putten 201 2008
Kimberly Marie Vargo 272 2015
Stacy Veldman 202 2008
Kathy Vermeland 362 2023
Debbie Walker 143 2002
Sabrina Walker 142 2002
Carolyn Wallace 315 2019
April Walling 297 2017
Karen Waters 258 2013
Pamela Watts 10 1990
Wendy Weaver 244 2012
Amanda Welch 363 2023
Karen Wicker 20 1992
Bryce Wilson 270 2015
Morgan Wilson 350 2022
Christopher Wimberly 298 2017
Douglas Wurster 320 2020
Kevin Yokim 127 2001
Madeline Zimmerman 318 2019
James Okoronkwo 366 2023


Please direct all certification questions to certification AT gfoasc DOT org.
