Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina – since 1984

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Job Details

Director of Finance

South Carolina First Steps (SCFS)-Accounting/Fiscal Analyst I (AN09 Band 7) - Columbia, SC , USA

Job Description:

Position Description: Director of Finance
State job classification: Accounting/Fiscal Analyst I (AN09 Band 7)
Status: Fulltime Equivalent

South Carolina First Steps (SCFS) is both a nonprofit and state agency and is the only dedicated,
comprehensive early childhood agency in South Carolina focused on getting children ready for
school and life success. Annually, we serve more than 50,000 children. Established by the South
Carolina General Assembly in 1999, SC First Steps provides funding and support to a network of 46
local, First Steps partnerships, one in every county. Through the partnerships, First Steps provides
evidence-based parenting, literacy, and development programs; training for early childhood
educators; child care scholarships; child care quality enhancement; and a slate of other early
interventions. Through First Steps 4K, the agency partners with over 250 child care centers to offer
free, high-quality, educational Pre-K 4 to more than 3,300 children. In addition to developing, funding,
and supporting programs and initiatives statewide, South Carolina First Steps coordinates the
activities of the South Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council, a collaborative body representing
the state’s early childhood system. The Early Childhood Advisory Council works to ensure that
South Carolina’s children arrive at school ready to reach their highest potential, are healthy and safe,
and are actively supported by their families and communities.
The diverse workforce that makes up the 65+ member team at SCFS includes salaried and hourly
positions and is governed by a State Board of Trustees. As an organization, we value children,
relationships, equity, high quality, and results. Our office is in downtown Columbia, SC. As SCFS is a
state-wide organization, some positions are remote, and some require travel.
Team: Finance
The SC First Steps Finance Team manages almost $40 million per year in multiple funding sources,
which include Federal, State and other funds. This rapidly growing organization provides
opportunities to grow and perform in multiple ways. These include opportunities with complex
financial information systems and processing, as well as, working in a dynamic environment with
multiple programs and professional staff. First Steps supports and monitors 46 local First Steps
Partnerships, works with over 200 4K providers across the state, serving thousands of children
Position Description:
Under the direction of the Director of Administration, the SC First Steps Director of Finance will direct
the accounting, budgeting and grants management activities of the organization which operates as
both a state agency and a non-profit. The Director of Finance will provide financial and other reports
as required and will provide advice and support to the Director of Administration.

Contact Information

Avian Jones at
Phone: NA
Fax: NA
[email protected]


South Carolina Human Resources

